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Ocicat Cat Breed

Ocicat Cat Breed

The Ocicat is a domestic breed of cat that resembles a wild ocelot, with a sleek, spotted coat and muscular build. They are known for their playful and outgoing nature, often described as dog-like in their loyalty and trainability. Ocicats are also highly intelligent and love to be the center of attention, making them a popular choice for families.


Tanvir Chowdhury


PUBLISHED ONDec 27, 2023

If you're looking for a cat breed that has the wild look of a jungle cat but the domesticated personality of a house pet, then the Ocicat may be the perfect choice for you. With their exotic appearance and friendly demeanor, these felines have become a popular choice for cat lovers around the world.

The Ocicat is a relatively new breed, originating in the United States in the 1960s. They were created by breeding Siamese, Abyssinian, and American Shorthair cats in order to produce a spotted cat that resembles a small wild ocelot. The result is a sleek and athletic cat with a distinctive coat pattern that resembles a wild cat but with the temperament of a domestic pet.

The breed was officially recognized by the Cat Fanciers' Association in 1987 and has since gained a loyal following of enthusiasts. Ocicats are known for their playful and social nature, making them a great choice for families with children or other pets. They are also highly intelligent and can be easily trained to perform tricks and even walk on a leash.

Ocicats come in a variety of colors, including tawny, chocolate, cinnamon, and blue, all with distinct spots and a striking appearance. Their short, smooth coat requires minimal grooming, making them an easy-care pet for owners.

In this article, we will explore the history, characteristics, and care requirements of the Ocicat breed, as well as what makes them a unique and cherished member of the feline family. 

Ocicat Cat Breed Overview

The Ocicat cat breed is a relatively new and unique breed that was developed by crossing Siamese, Abyssinian, and American Shorthair cats. The result is a stunningly beautiful and exotic-looking cat with a playful and outgoing personality. Ocicats are known for their distinctive spots and sleek, muscular bodies, resembling a wild ocelot, hence the breed's name. They have large, almond-shaped eyes and large, rounded ears that give them an alert and intelligent expression. Their coat comes in a variety of colors, including tawny, chocolate, silver, and a combination of these colors with spots or ticking.

Ocicats are friendly, social, and affectionate cats who love to interact with their human companions and are great with children and other pets. They are highly intelligent and can be trained to perform tricks and even walk on a leash. Ocicats are not overly vocal but are known for their distinctive chattering and chirping sounds. They are medium-sized cats with a long, athletic body and strong, muscular legs. The Ocicat is a perfect choice for pet owners looking for a unique and vibrant feline companion with an active and friendly personality. 

Ocicat Cat Breed Temperament

The Ocicat cat breed temperament is known for being curious, outgoing, and highly energetic. These cats are extremely social and love to be the center of attention, often seeking out interaction with their human family members. They are known for their playful nature and are often described as "dog-like" in their behavior, as they enjoy playing fetch and can be easily leash-trained for walks outside. The Ocicat is also known for being very intelligent and can be trained to perform tricks and even learn to open doors.

Despite their high energy levels, Ocicats are loving and affectionate towards their human companions and enjoy being a part of the household activities. They are also known for their adaptability and do well in various living situations, whether it be in a large family home or a single-person apartment. Overall, the Ocicat cat breed temperament is friendly, sociable, and full of personality, making them a beloved pet for many cat lovers. Their playful and affectionate nature makes them a great choice for families with children or for individuals looking for an energetic and engaging feline companion. 

Personality of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The Ocicat cat breed is known for its playful and outgoing personality. They are highly sociable and enjoy being the center of attention. Ocicats are often described as being dog-like in their behavior, as they are known to follow their owners around the house and even be taught to fetch. They are also known for their intelligence and can be trained to perform tricks or even walk on a leash. Despite their active nature, Ocicats are also affectionate pets and enjoy cuddling with their human companions.

They are great with children and other pets, making them an ideal choice for families. Ocicats are gentle and enjoy interactive play, often seeking out attention from their owners. They are also a talkative breed, often using their voice to communicate their needs and desires. Overall, the personality of the Ocicat cat breed can be described as playful, intelligent, sociable, and affectionate. They make excellent companions for anyone looking for an active and engaging feline friend. 

Physical Attributes

Body of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The body of the Ocicat cat breed is muscular, sleek, and well-proportioned. Their bodies are medium to large in size, with a graceful appearance and a strong build. They have a long, slender neck and a long, tapering tail. Overall, the body of the Ocicat is powerful and athletic, reflecting their active and playful nature.

Head of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The head of the Ocicat cat breed is distinguished by its rounded shape and large, alert ears. The breed's head is medium in size and is set on a muscular neck. The Ocicat has a strong, square muzzle and a straight nose, giving it a unique and striking appearance.

Ears of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The ears of the Ocicat cat breed are medium-sized, alert and slightly pointed. They are set to the side of the head and are known for their wide, open base. The ears are covered in short, fine hair and have a sleek and elegant appearance, adding to the distinctive look of the Ocicat breed.

Eyes of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The eyes of the Ocicat cat breed are typically large, almond-shaped, and expressive. They come in a range of colors including amber, hazel, and green. The eyes are set wide apart, giving the cat a curious and alert appearance. The captivating gaze of the Ocicat's eyes is one of its most striking features.

Legs and Paws of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The legs and paws of the Ocicat cat breed are muscular and strong, reflecting their agile and active nature. Their strong and sturdy legs enable them to jump and climb with ease, while their oval-shaped paws are well proportioned and feature dark, distinctive paw pads. These traits contribute to their athleticism and grace.

Tail of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The tail of the Ocicat cat breed is long and sleek, matching the rest of its athletic body. It is typically thicker at the base and tapers to a rounded tip. The tail is marked with distinct bands, adding to the breed's wild appearance. Overall, the tail is a striking and integral part of the Ocicat's unique look.

Coat of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The coat of the Ocicat Cat Breed is short, sleek, and has a distinctive "wild" appearance. It is soft to the touch and comes in a variety of colors, including tawny, chocolate, silver, and cinnamon. The coat features distinctive spots or "thumbprint" markings, giving the Ocicat a unique and striking look.

Color of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The Ocicat cat breed comes in a variety of colors, including tawny, chocolate, cinnamon, fawn, blue, lavender, and silver. The coat is marked with spots that resemble a wild cat, giving the breed a distinctive and exotic appearance. The color of the Ocicat cat breed adds to its unique and striking beauty.

History of the Ocicat Cat Breed

The history of the Ocicat cat breed dates back to the 1960s, when Virginia Daly, a Michigan breeder, crossed Siamese, Abyssinian, and American Shorthair cats in an attempt to produce a Siamese with the silver color of the Abyssinian. However, the resulting kittens had a spotted coat pattern reminiscent of the Ocelot, a wild South American cat. Intrigued by this accidental development, Daly continued to selectively breed the cats in order to create a new breed with the wild look of the Ocelot but with the domestic temperament of a house cat.

The breed was officially recognized in 1987 by the Cat Fanciers' Association and has since gained popularity for its unique appearance and friendly personality. Today, the Ocicat is known for its playful and sociable nature, making it a popular choice as a family pet. Its sleek, muscular build and large, expressive eyes further contribute to its appeal. The breed continues to be selectively bred in order to maintain its distinct characteristics and is a beloved member of the feline community.






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